I’ve had a lot of extra time to think lately.
Eight days without an actual schedule or real commitments will do that to ya. Make you think.
Last week President Trump (may or may have not) said some mean things about Haiti. Weird thing is, then I went there. I was there less than 24 hours. I was taken to specific places, and met specific people. I was a guest. I saw only what they wanted me to see. True.
Did you know that maybe countries are like people? I have very ugly sides, created by insecurity. I have very scary places, created by fear. But, just like Haiti, there may be some beautiful thrown in there along the way. Countries may be the same. But I wonder, Maybe, if we take a little time to see, and value, and build, and appreciate, maybe we can find the most beautiful thing we will ever be a part of, people and countries.

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