Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"I"m Dead Sexy."

A friend of mine and I were joking about this line. I was challenged to include it in my Little Red Tin.
So, I will include it, and my thoughts about it.
I am 41.
I can honestly say, Sexy is not a word that I  would normally, or ever describe me. Growing up, my sister was the and I quote, "the Pretty One" and I was "the Cute One." All in good intentions, but I can't say I've ever even thought I was pretty. Cute maybe occasionally, but not pretty, and sure as heck, not "dead sexy."
"Dead Sexy" is a look, yes? no?
Maybe not.
 Maybe, It's an attitude, a belief, it's a feeling.
I am functional. I am independent. I figure things out.  I am a hard worker. So were the pioneers, and the were definitely Not, Dead Sexy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Cards from the tin, catch up, 2017

-Moose! Everyday for one whole week! It was cuz I prayed to see Moose. So, Heavenly Father helped other people, help me see them!

--The trees in Yellowstone, once completely devastated, are growing, thriving. Sometimes in life we are completely devastated. But, Heavenly Father made a way for us to return and thrive.

-Live  toward eternal identity, when you look in the mirror, do you see the Savior in the space next to yours?

-Pray to know why this child came to me...

-I don't fit into any male country singers song.

- Hair. Such a battle. I would love long lady lovely locks. But it won't grow. Or it is actually no lady lovely locks, so I embrace funky.

-I'm not sure why Skye takes my picture a million times a day in her insta-messaging. I'm afraid it's because it's funny.

-"Naked baby"

Reoccurring dreams

I have several. I have been able to find closure on a few. And  occasionally after the closure is made, they reappear after years. Some, I've been able to decipher. Some still elude me.
- I am at school, high school, college, it doesn't matter, but I don't know my schedule. I don't know which class I'm suppose to be going to next. I don't know where it is.

- I work at Wendy's - or McDonalds, or somewhere that has shifts that I am suppose to check the schedule, and clock in and out of, and get paid in a paper check every two weeks. I forget to go. I forget to check the schedule, and forget to pick up my check.

-I am back in England as a missionary. This has altered slightly, because I am seriously concerned that I have children that I have left at home, and don't want to be gone too long.

Newer reoccurring dreams involve:
 - A huge home that is unfinished and we have decided to move in and finish one room at a time.

-Roads, driving, crossing rivers.

-Friends and in the dream, they are not allowed to talk to me, or I am not allowed to talk to them. Based in my college town, and my hometown. I see the houses, the roads around campus, but no words.

I am tormented by dreams. I hate dreams. I hate dreaming. I hate waking up exhausted. I hate the emotions created  IN   MY   BRAIN   WHILE   I SLEEP.

I feel that if I have to dream about real life people, they should be tormented by me in their dreams. It is not fair that it is a one sided battle.

And Now, Currently. Presently

I've been mulling over a few things lately and had actually contemplated starting a new blog, it would be called
Musings of a Mad Woman.
(British Definition of Mad, meaning crazy, or just not right in the head)
So last night I got on here, with the purpose of seeing if that name was available. But, instead, after trying at least a dozen times in the past 2 years, I found this one. I had lost it. 'It' meaning, the site, I couldn't find it. Or, maybe it was my brain that is the 'It.' Either way. My Little Red Tin is a pretty good capsule of the Musings of this Mad Woman.
I've decided to just go forward.
I know. No one blogs. But, for all purposes, this is the healthiest of options. It may help filter my mouth in public.
My format may be a little different going forward. I'm not sure. But,  I am excited about this venue for purging the Madness. Much love...

Deliberate Parenting

I am trying. I am not awesome. But I am trying.

-Counting in the car/ turning off the radio.

-nursery rhythms and adding facial expression-such a treat for anyone watching I'm sure. Glad it's only by 3 year old.

-Checking for ear wax.

-Walking slow.

-Remembering to make them do their homework. (I actually hate homework worse than they do)

-Holding hands.

-Having them do chores, and following up on their chores. I am so crappy at following up.

-Reading stories.

-Asking more questions than, "how was your day/"

-Kiss them goodnight. Everynight.

-Know what is going on with classes, friends, teachers.

Mom Thoughts and Surprises

Truly, there are a million surprises when becoming a mom, but here's a few.
- I would say the line "brush your teeth 16 billion gazillion times."

-That by trying to make things nice, you enable and spoil your kids.

-That there is a  spot, when you put your cheek next to your childs cheek, and kiss right in front of their ear, you can feel magic.

-That I would be the soul person in a family of 7 who would ever sweep the floor.

-That I have no desire to buy new things for myself, because invariably, it disappears into someone elses bathroom or closet. Hence, why mothers dress ugly.

-That i can pay $420 for softball fees. Buy $100 of shirts, Pay for team treats, dinner, and after game meals, but, when I have only change to offer after 1! game, not paper cash, I get the door slammed in my face. I just sat thru a FREEZING game in a dress because I just came from my friends moms funeral. Bad day.

-Just because I want something crazy bad for a child, doesn't mean they want it.

-and, just because i grew them in my belly, doesn't mean we will have the same priorities.

- and even after a really bad day, I will stay up all night figuring out how to fix the world for my child.

-That raising teenagers now, is harder than it was being one.

-That I would look at mean kids, and struggling kids, and competetors of my own kids, and still see them as someones child- learning to navigate the world as well.

and  one of my questions....

-How many spots have to be on a shirt before we are considered to be to the 'dirty family.'

2016, in its Entirety

-The key to a happy day. If your pants feel too tight, change. Put your chubby pants on, So much happier.

-It is better to take baked goods out of the pan before eating (i.e. sweet bread) and then you can't visually see what portion of the whole you have eaten.

-Can of cream of mushroom soup in the bedroom?

-Do you ever look in the fridge and think, "whose fridge is this? Can't be mine"

-Social Media has a way of wanting you to feel bad. Feel bad for the person who has been wronged. I am a social worker. I deal with these things EVERY DAY! I have about 40 families who are going through all these things. And, I help them deal with that. Don't think you're talking to me because I am heartless. I am a social worker.

-Creeden- "today is is suppose to thunder, lightening, and inhaler." I think he meant hail.

-To the lady in the park, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were 50, but I think you were closer to 65. I love love love love that you are running.

-Little victories. When your 5 year old knows his phone number and tells his friends mom.

-Creeden- 'Can you get me a propane?' (propel) and Lizards are like snakes with out a slinky tail.

-Cording. Cording? Real?

-It must be National hairy knee day. Because my knees are hairy and I shaved this morning!

-Seriously, how does the one thing I have to eat all day, (toast with p.butter on it) land on the butter side when I drop it.

-I love watching birds fly.

-Can you imagine living in a world where it was just like it said in music. When the feeling you have when you listen to music. That was reality.

-I just realized I have not showered in 64 hrs because I've been too busy.

-Unplugged =Beautiful Idaho.

-I literally just used a pot scrubber to scrub my feet.

-The year of the fake flowers in my flower pots.

-College students. 6/7 of you are wearing your headphones while crossing the street. You didn't even notice when I had to slam on my brakes when you just stepped out in front of me.

-Lighteninging-? the act of lightening, I cannot get the sound of that right in my head.

-My new camper is tainted. The new smell is gone, and it's not because of grease.

-Girl with ladder sticking out your sun roof. You go girl! You figured it out and you got it!

-Love free stuff.


Fall. 2015.

-Love/Hate relationship with leaves. Love when they dress my trees, not my lawn.

-Chocolate, yes, meant to melt in my mouth. But, too good to not chew.

-I hate Suburu mostly because of the people who drive them.

-The smell of Christmas might actually only be the smell of the fireplace.

-My phone holds-
           Phone numbers, shopping lists, christmas ideas, emails, book ideas, internet, maps, scriptures, pictures, games, clock, alarm clock, stop watch, calendars, calculator, prescription refills, music.
NO wonder I don't have to have a memory anymore.

-Skye- "Will do, Coach!" and when she was sick on trek with 101' fever- "I'm alright."

-Seriously, how many times a day do I have to do dishes. I buying stock in paper plates.

-Took my 4(!) months to loose and regrow my fingernail!

-I saw someone with my same ugly green (that I love) northface coat, getting in a white Envoy (which was my favorite vehicle) and they had marathon stickers on the back window- (I don't do the sticker thing on cars, but, I do on my mug)- Seriously so intrigued about having a conversation with them.

- I realized a few years ago that people do not like to told that they are a voice in my head. And, don't appreciate being appreciated. They think it's creepy. Fine. Sad. That was never my intent.

-Free time to some=hours
 Free time to me=couple of minutes.

-oh, and these are the teenage years you speak of!

-Eyelashes. Damned if you don't, Damned if you do.

-This flip of a curl behind my ear? Not intentional. It just has a mind of it's own.

-There are aspects of having a teenager in the house that are fun- mostly I think I'm referencing the music factor.

-My little people.
-Vacuumed floors.
-My beautiful room.
-Fluffy blankets

-Thank you receptionist lady who patiently listened to my diarrhea mouth of the past 5 days when all you asked was "current symptoms of your child."

-Bronchitis, ear infection, hand foot mouth, and pukes. Holy moly. My poor boys.

-Best and worst quality of mine. I care about people.

-I am SUCH a sucker for Hallmark channel movies. Seriously, they make me happy!

Moving the In Laws In

This was the Spring of 2014-
In-Laws sold their home, and moved into the guest bedroom. In preparation we did...
-Clean out extra room- Dresser, closet, change doll case, clean off dresser, move pictures, and frames and wall stuff, sort dress up clothes.
-Clean out hall closet to put dress up clothes. Which led to; rearranging games, box of clothes, and blankets. Clean behind couch and blankets and rearrange all blankets.
-Put away the stuff that way behind the couch.
-Get d.i. stuff together, and garbage stuff.
-Clean scrapbook room, organize stickers, papers, pictures, put pics in albums, organize flowers, yarn, and ribbon, again, sorted for garbage and d.i.
-Rearrange office and cleaned out file cabinets and drawers, and arranged scrapbook stuff in there.
-Take winter down.
-Put easter up.
-Christmas lights down
-Cupboards/outside and in
-Up bathroom
-kids rooms
-Behind downstairs couch
-Shoe Pantry
-Clothes Washer
- down bath
-entertainment center


Finishing off 2014-Straight from the Tin

-On my list of  "Want to's" and "Have to's" - Sometimes it's really hard to determine where I should put  Shower.


-Lots of brokens- arm, face, back, car

- Magic comes from the ground with each of my little seeds coming to life.
- I am tough.
-Love taking my shoes off after a long day.
-Which is worse, Pregnant at High School graduation, or at High School 20 year reunion.

- My brain is dry of humor.

-Love my own toilet.
-Sometimes Gravity is such a bummer.
-Stop the double takes please. Yes, 8 mo pregnant.
-I wear two different shoes together- on purpose.
-Can't reach my toes- but Creeden can!
-Not my favorite. Dishes. Do them. Come back and both sinks full again.
-Every day gets harder as you get older and are a parent and spouse.

-Is 38 too old to have imaginary friends?
-Prepreg pants on! I may never remove them again!

Life got a little crazy.

I didn't abandon my little red tin, but  I guess I took a break from 'My Little Red Tin.'
I will print this someday and so I will catch it up. Yes, 3 years worth. Don't worry, it won't take long. However, going forward after this catch-up period may prove to be a little more intriguing. I will explain more as I arrive at September 2017.