I've taken that thought, and here's what I've created.
You are born, you live, you make choices; good and bad, and then you die.
Then, you are born again, and for all the good choices, all the good that you did, you get to keep in the born again life.
You had fabulous grades because you worked hard?
Next life, good grades come easy.
You make a good decision on your career?
You keep the career.
You hate your job, but give it all you have?
Next life, you get a different option.
Fabulous spouse?
Next life, same spouse.
Not perfect spouse?
Get to choose again.
House, City, Family?
Keep the good, try again on that which was not the ideal.
Interesting thought process huh?
I like it. I like the idea of lots of possibilities in lots of lives!
(this is where I would usually insert a laughing emoji)