I do have a couple of names for you. They both start with 'C' because I want you to be part of the other boys already in our family. I am not sure we have decided totally which one to choose, and maybe we wont know until we look into your beautiful little face, but I love them both and we will see. I am so excited and so nervous and so worried that as an older mother I will be everything you need me to be. But, my baby boy, you are coming to a family that is so excited for you to join them. Your older brothers can't wait to get you here. Carson, because he wants his own room, but Creeden can't wait to give you his clothes, and love you and kiss on you. He kisses my belly about a million times a day and tells you that you are beautiful and that you 'rock!' Your sisters are also so excited, I think mostly to dress you and pack you around. I promise you will have more mommies than you will know what to do with.
I feel you move inside my belly and see you bouncing around. I absolutely believe that you will be my little ball of fire. I am trying to create a good and safe place for you to grow healthy and strong. I do think that you really like turkey sandwiches, strawberries, and ice cream. Oh, and coke, you little stinker. How am I suppose to be healthy with you wanting sugar and coke? :)
I love you. I love you.I love you.
Keep on a cookin'!
your momma