Last Christmas Eve I received a package of 100 index cards and a little red tin box. I was given the instructions to write a thought on a card once a day, and put it at the bottom of the box. I will admit that in the chaos of Christmas, and the festivities that followed I forgot about my box until several weeks later. When the tree came down, here came a little box from the back side patiently waiting for my thoughts to be captured.
Well here I am 9 months later. I have embraced my little red tin and treasure the thoughts held within. It become a friend that didn't mock my peculiarities, didn't care if I was dramatic, and silently cheered for my success. I closed my facebook account in December and my tin became my surrogate for expressing random musings.
So it's been awhile, but here I am taking my next step to becoming social again. Blogging. Does anyone blog anymore? Like I said. I am crawling out into society again (in a very tiny way). I had lost faith in humans for awhile, but in reality that is not me. I like people. I love interaction. I love learning from others around me. I have come to understand that people are very wrapped up in themselves, but it may be a cocoon approach to protecting themselves. I will keep writing on my index cards and place them in my little red tin, but, here, I am going to expound on those thoughts. Ready or not, here I go!